Ranadeep Daw

I am an assistant professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of West Florida.

Past Experiences

I did my Bachelor’s (2014) and Master’s (2016) in Statistics from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. Then, I did my Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Missouri Columbia in the May, 2023.

I worked as a postdoc at the National Institute of Health at the Spatiotemporal Exposure and Toxicology group between 2023-24. In industry, I have worked at Deloitte between 2016-17 as a Data Scientist. I also did internships at the Missouri Division of Conservation, General Electric, and FinIQ.

Research Interest

Spatial data, spatiotemporal methods, random neural learning, computational statistics, tools development. Open to learn and collaborate in Biostatistics.

Current Research

  1. Orthonormal spatial basis functions. A Github repository of code and manuscript will come soon.
  2. CAGE.jl. Julia package of basis functions, Karhunen-Loeve, and CAGE. Follows the theory from the CAGE and the Multivariate CAGE idea.

Teaching Responsibility

I will be teaching Biostatistics (STA4173) for the Fall 2024.